Selecting a Mount

An often overlooked step but one of the most important; selecting the correct mount is essential for both the conservation and the presentation of your work With this in mind we take a great deal of trouble to select the right type, weight and colour of mount for each artwork. We will discuss the size of borders, placement and method of hinging. We always use acid-free, archival, reversible mounting methods and techniques. This is crucial as it ensures your artwork can be detached, if required, with minimal or no change to the artwork. Please refer to the section on Photograph mounting for special conditions that apply to photographs.

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The example above shows a washline mount with ruled lines in grey and gold traditionally used around watercolours and antique engravings.We always discuss with the customer colours and designs to complement each individual image.

We also produce laid, specialist paper or textile covered mounts (linen or velvet for example), specialist paper wrapped mounts, French mounts, regularly shaped mounts(ovals and circles), custom irregularly shaped mounts, mounts with lettering, calligraphy and computer cut out lettering. 

For heavier, paper-based items and certain other items that are to be float mounted, it is advisable to use strong, lie-flat, museum slot hinging or similar methods.

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For 3D items or textiles, it is best to use sewing and transparent threads and other devices to locate items, however, occasionally for 3D items it is necessary to use permanent adhesives and we would only do this in consultation with the customer.

For certain items, non-intervention is the ideal: archival Mylar photo corners, slots, strips, sleeves or acid free paper folds secure the artwork in place and allow it to be released with no change.