Framing Original Prints

We have hundreds of prints at 169 Bermondsey Street and frame hundreds more each year. Limited edition or antique prints should always be kept flat, so, if possible, avoid any rolling before bringing them in for framing. Please be aware, nevertheless, that due to the nature of printmaking techniques and the papers used, your print may be naturally, slightly cockled or undulating as it was when it left the artist's studio. Our hinging techniques will allow the paper to naturally expand and contract with the changes in temperature and humidity that it will be subject to  in normal conditions.


Mounts can help flatten some prints, but framing – even with careful hinging – may not always make the print lie as flat as you wish. Platform mounting for example, so that the edges of the paper can be seen, allows the paper to expand and contract freely and allows you to appreciate the qualities of the full sheet of paper.


When choosing a frame, think about the style, period and feel of the image, as well as what you like and what might suit your interior or exhibition needs. Keeping it simple is often the best choice, and often that means an antique frame that matches the period of creation. Larger images might need wider frames, but subframes can be used to give strength to deeper, slimmer mouldings.


UV filtering glass and acrylic is available and recommended for prints. If reflections might be a problem, modern anti-reflection glass can reduce them.


Restoration and conservation of prints, when expertly done, can produce excellent results. A conservator can usually help flatten paper if needed.